Thursday 28 April 2011

Exercise - The relationship between points.

This exercise is to show how points relate to one another and how having 2 points in a picture can alter the relationships, causing an implied line between the points.

Example 1.

In this image the orange buoy is clearly the stronger point as it is a more intense colour, larger and nearer the 'front' of the image. The dark weight acts to balance it with a clear visual line developed between them, which is echoed by the barely visible chain.

Example 2.

This image was initially taken to demonstrate the previous exercise - a single point. I tried to crop it to remove the small out of focus flowers on the far right and it instantly became a less interesting photo.  The main daisy is clearly the major point of interest, with larger size, brighter colour and a more central position, but having the small bright area (admittedly 2 tine flowers) acts as a balance. On alternativee crop would to have been a significant crop removing a large potion of the right side.

Example 3.

A more even balance is shown here, with both flowers a similar size and colour, the stronger point here is the flower in the bottom right corner which is 'nearer' the viewer.

Example 4.

The eyes have it!
Here it is impossible to resolve the image and ones gaze constantly moves between the 2 eyes, t6o an extent that is almost uncomfortable.

Lessons learned:
  1. It does not have to be a very large 2nd object to act as a balancing point in an image
  2. Being unable to resolve the composition is less restful, but potentially more interesting
  3. Colour, size and position within the frame all have a part to play when considering what is the main point of focus.

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