Friday, 9 September 2011

Exercise - Outdoors at Night

This is an interesting exercise, I managed to take some 'new' images for it, but have also looked for some older images to round it out.

ISO 800, f/3.5, 28mm efl, 1/15 sec

 Part of our local Music Institute, donated, like much in the town, by Andrew Carnegie. Taken early in the evening.

Iso 200, f/20, 28mm efl, 15secs

Same building, later in the same evening.

ISO 200, f/20, 14mm efl, 8 secs

The rest of the Music Institute. I particularly liked the ghostly effect in the foreground which came from a car passing in front of the lens.

ISO 800, f/22, 14mm efl, 8 secs

View from a bridge locally.

ISO400, f/22,60mm efl, 25 secs

The Forth Road Bridge.

f/8, 2 secs, (firework setting)

November 5th

f/8, 2 secs, (firework setting)

More flashes and bangs.

f/3.2, 1/60 + autoflash

Christmas Lights.

ISO 500, f3.5, 28mm efl, 0,4 sec

The Millennium Bridge, Newcastle (deliberately wiggled).

ISO 400, f/5.2, 58mm efl, 1/25 sec

Park Gates - with ghostly, ghastly green

ISO 400, f/22,60mm efl, 8 sec

Even more green!

ISO 400, f/16, 84mm efl, 0.8 sec
and ornamantal lights

More outside images need to be taken, and tripod carried, opportunity and planning need to go together. Co-operation is required form husband (to act as carrier).

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